A Career of Compassion

Caring For Your New Kitten

Kittens are relatively easy to care for if you have the proper supplies on hand and some know-how about procedures necessary to keep them safe and comfortable. If you are a new kitten owner, and you have never had the pleasure of caring for a baby cat in the past, you are about to embark on an exciting adventure full of fun and curiosity. Here are steps to take so your new pet's first months are happy and healthy.

Keep Your Kitten Contained At First

It is best to have your kitten contained in one room for several days after bringing it home, especially if you have other pets or small children. Make sure to visit your kitten often so it becomes used to your presence. It will explore the room in detail, so the area needs to be completely free of hazards. This includes small items that your kitten may try to eat, chemical agents that could be toxic to your pet, and furnishings or personal effects with sharp edges. To locate these potential risks, kneel or get on all fours to search for them from your kitten's vantage point. Gradually allow your kitten to explore a new room, week by week so it gets used to the layout of your home.

Get A Check-Up As Soon As Possible

One of the first tasks to undertake is making a call to a veterinarian's office to make an appointment for a well-visit for your kitten. This is extremely important as any medical conditions your kitten is suffering from would be treated without delay. A veterinarian checks your kitten's body for potential problems and provides you with recommendations regarding its diet and overall pet care needs. You are also informed about the importance of preventative actions such as obtaining vaccinations for your pet, microchipping, spaying or neutering, and pest prevention. During this stage of your pet's life, appointments are a bit more frequent than when they get older. This ensures your kitten's health needs are addressed so they grow properly.

Gather A Few Key Items

A kitten does not require a lot when it comes to the items to keep on hand to keep them healthy and comfortable. You can use an old dish and bowl for food and water. Keep this in one location so your kitten knows where it is located. A litterbox filled with cat litter is needed for your kitten's bathroom area. Be sure to scoop waste from the box each day and fill it with new litter as needed. Your kitten will enjoy age-appropriate toys to keep it entertained and for exercise purposes. Groom your new pet with a cat comb or brush. Baths are not necessary unless your kitten becomes exceptionally dirty. Most importantly, spend time with your kitten to show it you care for it. Your pet will enjoy spending quality time with you.